This Teen Died Back In 2010. The Letter That Just Arrived 3 Years Later Hit Me Hard.

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Esther Earl was a beautiful young woman that was battling thyroid cancer. During that struggle, she made brutally honest video blogs. The teen had an amazing outlook on life and became famous, almost overnight, for her strength. She even inspired John Green’s novel and upcoming movie, “The Fault In Our Stars.” She fought long and hard against the disease killing her, but in 2010, she tragically passed away. She was only 16 years-old.
So, it was a shock when her parents received a message from her a year after she died.
Even at the young age of 14, Esther possessed strength and wisdom most of us could only hope to one day acquire. The letter she wrote to herself was filled with so much hope, but she acknowledged the hard truths of life. Although it probably broke her parents’ hearts to read the words their daughter once wrote, she was actually giving them one final, loving gift.
I wonder if Esther knew just how important that letter would be.
If you’d like to know more about Esther and her battle with cancer, visit This Star Won’t Go Out or buy the book on Amazon.
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