Yes, This Is A Ship. But When You Look Closer, You’re In For A Shock Because WOW.

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Armed with only box cutters, hot glue, a hand full of able bodied volunteers and enough cardboard to make Amazon jealous one man managed to sculpture this breathtaking sculpture of a full-sized ghost ship.
Explaining where he gets all the cardboard for his sculptures he says: ”Cardboard is everywhere. Over the years I’ve developed a system called ‘trolling’ which is a process of driving around the streets with a buddy looking for piles of cardboard. We have some go to sources but it’s more fun to ‘troll’”…so pretty much dumpster diving in the name of incredible art.
This particular Ghost Ship sculpture he says was a massive undertaking for a Halloween party at Treasure Island hotel and casino in Las Vegas.
To think I had a hard time building a bridge out of toothpicks as a kid.
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