Did You Know That A Cheating Husband’s Bid To Win His Wife Back Got 15,000 Likes But She…

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Ivan Lewis did something he is now desperately sorry for : he cheated on his wife and, allegedly, it was with a woman uglier than her.
Furious, his wife Sonia Gore threw Ivan out but promised she would take him back under one condition : Ivan had to gather at least 10,000 likes on Facebook posing with a sign that read “I cheated on my wife!! (and she was ugly!!)”. The unfaithful husband’s post soon went viral and more than 15,000 people gave him the thumbs-up.

However, the heartbroken Sonia didn’t welcome Ivan back with open arms as she promised. After the ex-couple’s quarrel and Ivan’s attempt to win his wife back became widely popular to social networkers worldwide, Sonia changed her mind and stated that she couldn’t reconcile with her husband based solely on his bid. Nevertheless, the wife admitted to still having feelings for her estranged husband. As for Ivan, he is determined to win Sonia back no matter what. We are yet to see what’s going to come out of this love story.


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